Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) February 2018 amounted to 101.47 or Down 0.19 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pandeglang Regency

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Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) February 2018 amounted to 101.47 or Down 0.19 Percent

Release Date : March 8, 2018
File Size : 0.57 MB


NTP Banten February 2018 amounted to 101.47 or down 0.19 percent compared to the previous month's NTP. Decrease in NTP as the rate of increase in the Price Index Received by Farmers (It) is still slower than the rate of increase in the Paid Price Index of Farmers (Ib).
In February 2018 there was deflation in rural areas in Banten Province by 0.11 percent mainly due to the deflation of the foodstuff category by 0.79 percent.
Agricultural Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) Banten February 2018 amounted to 107.63 or down 0.87 percent compared to NTUP the previous month.
The average price of grain at the farmer level in February compared to January for dry unhusked Rice (GKG) increased by 1.10 percent, Rice Harvest (GKP) fell by 12.35 percent and for Grain outside quality rose by 0.88 percent .
The average price of grain in February 2018 at Farmer level for GKG quality Rp.5.580, GKP Rp.5.189, - per kg, - and low quality Rp.4.886, - per kg.
The lowest grain price at farmer level is Rp.4.500, - per kg for GKP quality with IR64 variety and the highest price at farmer level is Rp6.000, - per kg for GKP quality with IR64 varieties.
The nominal wage of farm laborers in February 2018 compared to January 2018 wages increased by 2.18 percent or up from Rp.57.784, - per day to Rp.59.044, - per day. In real terms *) increased by 2.29 percent, up from Rp.42.460, - per day to Rp43,434 per day.
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